Intelligent Futures Insights
Thursday, August 13, 2009
  Sustainability Initiative Top 10
My colleague Blythe Butler and I were just discussing our work on sustainability and were trying to come up with a summary of key things to think about when getting into a sustainability initiative. We decided on a Letterman-esque compilation (minus the backup band and dramatic drumroll, of course). So, without further delay, here is:

The Top 10 List of Things You Should Know When You’re Getting Into A Sustainability Initiative

  1. Sustainability is not just about the environment. Don’t forget about the economic, cultural, built, social and governance elements of your community or organization.
  2. Sustainability is a collective issue that requires collective action. Have a dynamic, exciting and effective engagement process.
  3. Be clear about your objectives. Design a well-defined but flexible process.
  4. Be prepared to listen, learn and adapt. Facilitate the process to maximize the collective wisdom of your participants.
  5. Know where you’re coming from and where you are. Do a situational analysis.
  6. Follow the momentum. Engage champions early to build commitment.
  7. Your process, decisions and documents should be transparent. Design a credible and accessible governance structure.
  8. Encourage personal responsibility. Give participants the tools to own the process.
  9. Communicate the context. Use language and stories that participants can relate to.
  10. Focus on getting it right versus being right. See all of the above.

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